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Understanding T4 Slips: A Must-Read Guide

There are only 2 things certain in life – Death and Tax!, Equipping yourself with essential tax knowledge has become paramount. Among the critical documents for Canadian employees, the T4 slip stands out. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the intricacies of T4 slips, emphasizing their significance and providing actionable steps to secure yours.

Key Takeaways

  • A T4 slip, also known as a Statement of Remuneration Paid, is a tax form provided by employers to both employees and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It outlines wages paid, taxes withheld, and other relevant information.

Part 1: What Is a T4 Slip?


A T4 slip is a crucial document for Canadian employees. Let’s break down what it is, why you need it, and how to obtain it.

What Does a T4 Slip Include?

  1. Income Details: The T4 slip provides a summary of your income from a specific employer during a calendar year. This includes regular wages, bonuses, commissions, and other forms of compensation.
  2. Deductions: It also outlines deductions, such as income tax, employment insurance (EI), and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions.
  3. Contributions: The T4 slip shows any contributions made to pension plans or other retirement savings vehicles.

Obtaining Your T4 Slip

  • Employer Issued: Employers must issue T4 slips to current and former employees by the last day of February for the preceding calendar year.
  • Canada Revenue Agency (CRA): If you don’t receive your T4 slip, you can obtain a copy directly from the CRA. 

Part 2: Understanding the Breakdown

Now, let’s delve deeper into the breakdown of a T4 slip.

Table 1: T4 Slip Components



Box 14 (Employment Income)

Total employment income before deductions.

Box 22 (Income Tax Deducted)

Amount of income tax withheld by your employer.

Box 18 (CPP Contributions)

Contributions to the Canada Pension Plan.

Box 24 (EI Premiums)

Employment Insurance premiums deducted from your pay.

Box 20 (Other Deductions)

Additional deductions, such as union dues or pension plan contributions.

Table 2: T4 Slip Codes




Employment income (before deductions).


Income tax deducted.


Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions.


Employment Insurance (EI) premiums.


Other deductions (e.g., union dues, pension contributions).


Understanding your T4 slip is essential for accurate tax filing. Keep this guide handy, and remember that your T4 slip reflects your financial activity throughout the year. If you have any questions, consult the CRA or seek professional advice.

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The information provided in this blog is intended for general guidance and informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional accounting, audit, or assurance advice. Please consult with a certified professional for specific advice tailored to your situation.