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Maximizing Your Pension: A Guide to CPP and OAS Changes in 2024


When you start planning for retirement, it is necessary to understand the details of Canada’s pension system. There are notable changes to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) in 2024. We will focus on and see more updates in this article and plan practical ways to increase your pension income.

Key Takeaways


Key Points

CPP Updates

- Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) increase

- Introduction of Additional CPP (CPP2)

OAS Recover Threshold

- Higher threshold for full OAS benefits

Inflation Adjustments

- Routine adjustments to CPP and OAS benefits

Planning Strategies

- Improve the timing of retirement and benefit claims

- Coordinate CPP and OAS payments

Understanding the 2024 CPP Updates

The CPP is an important base of retirement income for Canadians.

Here is what you need to know:

Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE):




Stands for “Maximum Pensionable Earnings.” It is the limit on how much income counts for your pension. Assume it as a treasure chest where only coins up to the YMPE limit go into your retirement income.

Why It Matters

The YMPE is increasing, which means more money will count toward your pension contributions. Both employees and employers will contribute more.


If the YMPE increases to $60,000 and you earn $70,000, only the first $60,000 counts for your pension.
You and your employer will contribute to that part. The extra $10,000 does not count for your pension contribution, but you keep it!


Adjust your retirement savings plan to manage the higher contributions due to the new YMPE.
Save a little more to match it.

Additional CPP (CPP2)

If your income past the YMPE, you will make extra CPP contributions (CPP2). Think of it as a bonus level in your pension.

Who Matches It?

Your employer also contributes to CPP2. It is a teamwork.


If your income is $80,000, the first $60,000 goes into regular CPP, and the extra $20,000 goes into CPP2. Your employer matches their share.

Financial Planning

Understand how CPP2 affects your overall retirement income and consider saving extra to cover CPP2.

Navigating the Old Age Security (OAS) Claw-back Threshold

The OAS provides essential income for seniors. Here is what is changing:

What is the Claw-back Threshold?

The claw back threshold refers to the peak at which the government begins reducing your Old Age Security (OAS) pension. Once your net annual income exceeds this threshold, part of your OAS pension is subject to a monthly recovery tax.

Higher Claw-back Threshold:

·       The OAS recovery threshold will be high which allows more seniors to receive full OAS benefits.

·       Seniors with moderate incomes will receive help from a reduced claw back threshold, enhancing their financial security.

Inflation/Price Rise Adjustments and Financial Security

What is Inflation/Price Rise?

·       Price rises/Inflation occurs when prices for goods and services gradually increase over time. For example, think about a chocolate bar or a movie ticket that tends to cost more every year.

Why Adjust Pensions for Price rises?

·       Pretend that you receive a weekly allowance. If your income stays the same with prices rising, you could buy less with it. Similarly, CPP and OAS benefits are needed to match increasing costs to support the standard of life for retired people.

How It Works:

·       CPP and OAS benefits are adjusted to account periodically or once a year for price rises. This change ensures that the money you receive does not lose its significance over time.

·       For example, if you have received $110 in CPP aid this year, next year it may be increased to $115 to equivalent the rising prices.

Why Stay Informed?

·       It is essential to know about these adjustments. Otherwise, you might find it harder to cover your expenses as prices go up.

·       Planning Strategies for Maximizing Pension:

Timing Matters:

·       Pretend you have a piggy bank. Now you start saving early and keep adding money, you will find your piggy bank bursting when you need savings. The same goes with CPP and OAS.

·       On the other hand, If you delay taking these benefits or wait until you are older,  you will receive more funds. It is like ready and waiting for your piggy bank to grow bigger before opening it.

Coordinating Payments:

·       Pretend that CPP and OAS are friends who help you. Match their start dates to work them together effectively.

·       For example, if you start receiving CPP aid at age 65 and OAS payments at age 67, you will have a stable flow of income during those years.

Survivor Benefits:

·       Imagine you have a superhero cape that protects your family. If something happens to you, your spouse or partner can still receive some benefits.

·       Survivor benefits ensure that even if one partner passes away, the other will not be left without any financial support.

Other Income Sources:

·       Besides CPP and OAS, think about other ways to save money. RRSPs and TFSAs are like secret treasure chests where you can keep extra money.

·       These investments can add to your pension and help you enjoy a comfortable retirement.


You can improve and better your pension with proper planning and knowledge of the current scenario. Always keep in touch with the latest news on CPP and OAS and try to match them. Do not bother if you have not started to save for retirement. All time is right when you start thinking about your future savings. 

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